Tuesday, 12 December 2006

Samsung ML-4500 Printer on Mac OS X

I have a samsung ml-4500 laser printer that I would like to use from a mac mini running os x 10.4.8 (intel core duo). It was a completely clean install so here is the process to get it working.

Before we start, it’s worth mentioning that the printer uses a Netgear print server, plugged into it’s parallel port so as far as the mac is concerned, it’s a networked printer.

I went to http://www.linuxprinting.org/macosx/samsung-gdi and installed the ESP Ghostscript package and the samsung-gdi-foomatic packages. Even though these are PPC packages, they install and work on intel macs as well.

Having done that, go to System Preferences->Print & Fax and add your printer. I add mine as an IP printer using LDP (because of the Netgear print server).

Set the IP address to the address of the print server and set the queue name to “P1” (this is required by the print server, not the printer). If you have a different queue name, or leave the queue name blank, it will not work.

Give it a name and a location.

Finally set the print driver to “Samsung ML-4500, Foomatic + GDI”. Print and it should work!


kerplunkuk said...

Thanks this worked a treat. Just a quick question though. Can you print more than one copy of a page? Even if I change the number it only prints one. Any way to resolve this?


Safdar Ali said...

This is so nice. I need a printer for printing plastic id cards for school children. Which one will be the best for my purpose?

Unknown said...

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